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Ara toplam: 3.290,00 $
Sepeti görüntüleÖdeme
A handheld system designed for field operation: this system is the perfect choice for ENG professionals. The rugged hand-held cardioid wireless microphone provides professional sound quality for interviews and reporting, even under unfavorable conditions. At the camera end of the wireless signal path is the portable and reliable EK 100 G3 adaptive diversity receiver.
Robust, user-friendly, and comprehensively equipped reporting set: EK 100 G3 adaptive diversity receiver, SK 100 G3 bodypack transmitter with Mute function, ME 2 cardioid clip-on microphone.
Lütfen Fiyat Sorunuz
APB-116 RAudio Press Box® Rack version with 8 Microphone/Line Out and 8 Line Out
Condenser clip-on microphone (omnidirectional), waterprotected, for film and theatre applications
Closed reference headphone for mobile control and monitoring applications.
Single-Ear-Version with dynamic microphone for live, remote broadcasting, studio, film, TV and language lab applications
The worldwide headset standard for live, remote broadcasting, studio, film, TV and language lab applications